
Published: Oct 1, 2021
Read time: 1 min

Dear Reader,

For some time I worked as an overnight courier. Originally, out of necessity to pay my creditors, I gratefully accepted the position. Little did I know of the events to unfold.

Every story I've written here has happened to me personally, while out making my midnight runs. Under the advice of a therapist, I am working on recording every detail of every bizarre incident. A literary exorcism, if you will. These events have worn me down, torn at my psyche, and have wormed their way deep into the recesses of my brain.

So be forewarned! I am writing this collection purely for my own benefit, for my mental health and fortitude. Some of the stories may be disturbing, frightening, horrifying. Some of you may read and enjoy these tales, as if they were nothing but fiction. As for me, I wish I could only forget.

